More Wine 2021

Are you tired of my wining yet? I am still not content with my pictures. I have been researching on the internet on how to improve them mostly from the tech point of view. I am starting to understand the limitations of a fixed lens point and shoot camera for the pictures I am currently trying to take. Then there is the difference between someone who takes pictures, like me and a photographer. I suspect it would be difficult to retrain an engineer into an artist and tackle the hard things like composition and the soft considerations in photography. I think I could take technically better pictures with new tech but that would only help so much.

We are self isolating and I injured my hip so get a few days off exercise. The light has been good for taking bird pictures on the deck feeders. My desire is to produce a picture that POPS and the viewers go WOW. It is really quite entertaining watching the birds feed. The colour, the variety, the behaviors all add up to a quality experience.


Male Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Downy Woodpecker
Red Breasted Nuthatch
Gold Finch

The mealworms have been a big hit. We added a special tray just for the mealworms. Now mealworms are more expensive than steak. But the results seem to justify the expense.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet
RCK Feeding
Bluebirds Feeding
Bluebirds Chowing Down on Mealworms
Chickadees Like Mealworms
Two Gold Finches

We had another storm blow up the coast but we were on the rainy side of the boundary.

Required Turkey Picture
Stormy Weather
High Tide
Keeping an Eye on Things

Fun with Benji

I find there is some basis to truisms. Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me. However, the third time is a charm. There is also the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. I find I can pick and choose the truism to justify what I want to do anyway. I am very self-conscious about my appearance and my choice of hair stylists is Meg and Benji or none. So the third time must be a charm.

Hair Saloon Moellier

Working in a hair saloon is tiring work.

Nap Time

Fun with Food

Well, they haven’t kicked me out of the kitchen yet. So we are still enduring Mark’s cooking. See, it can get worser.

Meat and Potatoes
Kielbasa and Pierogis
Stir Fry Plated

We are tired enough of COVID isolation, we are talking about taking a cruise as soon as our vaccinations are complete. This would result in a respite from cooking, doing dishes, doing laundry and cleaning. We signed up for vaccinations today for the February/March timeframe.

We are in the home stretch and we shouldn’t let our vigilance recede. The pandemic still rages around us. We are all still healthy and hope to stay that way.

Stay safe!

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji says ‘Stay Safe’

Rogues Gallery

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