November 2023

November slipped by me and it seems I will only get one post in this November. My sister Jayne visited for a week and I put her to work mulching leaves.

We also got Cybil set for winter.

It was just in time as we got snow shortly after.

Jayne and I did the first rounds of fall clean up, but eventually I got behind and hired some help to get it done this year. I am happy to report the yard has been put to bed for Winter 2023/24.

Just to keep things exciting, the washer seized and started to smoke. It turns out it would cost more to repair than replace. So we got new ones. I was surprised how inconvenient it was to not be able to do laundry locally.

New Washer and Dryer



With the leaves gone, it is possible to see more in the trees.

Eagle Nest

We have lots of Orioles and we always wondered where they nest.

Oriole Nest
Another Oriole Nest?

Fun with Food

Baya, Benji and Friends

I am planning to break the cruise blog into smaller pieces. It got too large for me to deal with it. I will try to catch up on the cruise blogs soon.

It has been a busy November. Things are hopefully quieting down.

Mark. Andrew, Baya and Benji

1 thought on “November 2023”

  1. Great entry, Mark! I especially liked the pictures of the nests. I have a secret fascination with nests too!
    Lastly, the Hungry Lobster food looks amazing! Must hear more about that place!

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