Late June 2022

In spite of the intent, we did not manage to go on a kayak adventure this week. I guess I would blame a combination of weather, responsibilities and the desire to avoid a crowd at the town landing, I am so busy in retirement, I don’t understand how I ever found time to work.

Backyard Mud Hole

The mud hole is holding water and starting to look a lot more like a Koi Pond.

Holding Water

Vegetation is being added to the pond.

The birds have found the Koi Pond and they absolutely love it.

Hot Chicks in a Bath

Even the SQRLS use the Koi Pond.


A Koi Pond wouldn’t be complete without some Koi. We estimate that there are about 7000 gallons of water. We need to be careful not to overload the pond so we went with smaller fish.

Feeder Goldfish

The girls saw some tadpoles in the pond as well. We plan to add a few snails to help keep it clean. The pond is becoming its own ecosystem.

The major drawback of the pond is that it is distracting. When you have something that needs doing, it is easy to just watch all the goings on in the bay yard.


Meg and Kate saw this guy the other night.


The Oriole feeder has been popular with many types of birds including the crows. The crows have a hard time balancing but manage to score some grape jelly.

Crow on Jelly
Rose Breasted Grosbeak at Meg’s
Orchard Oriole


The groundhogs are cute until they try to move into the house.

We are going to need to explore groundhog remediation. I am not sure what but we will actively discourage the groundhogs from moving in.

It would be nice if a fox or the bobcat took care of the groundhogs, so I didn’t need to.

Fun with Food

Fun with Benji

Danger Zone

Even though we didn’t get out on the kayaks, we seemed to have stayed busy enough.

Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne

ps: SAD

Cherry Trees

We had some native cherry trees on our property. A neighbor asked if they could be removed to improve his view. We politely declined as they are a great food source for native birds. Someone has since sprayed our cherry trees with a defoliant. We have since filed a police report.

This whole episode has been very upsetting.

I suspect that his view is unlikely to improve.


1 thought on “Late June 2022”

  1. Susan E Moeller

    Fantastic spy with the bob cat!! Love the water feature activities.
    Sorry about about the unfortunate early shedding of leaves on your cherries. 🤨🤨

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