Into 2021

A new year brings new hope. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if we had real leadership in this country. However we didn’t and we have to wait for a vaccine to start to transition back to a more normal lifestyle. To be honest, social isolation is taking a toll on me. I miss a lot of simple things: picking out my own food at the grocery store, eating out, going to the gym, getting a haircut, BYOBs, socializing when walking the dog and even traveling. We are stuck in our bubble for another couple of months. It seems to be more dangerous than ever with a new COVID strain showing up.

It can be challenging to generate new content for the blog. But that is not always the case. Except for SQRLs we haven’t seen any mammals during the day. We have seen the fox at night but haven’t gotten any pictures.


The turkeys have been almost daily visitors to our bird feeding station. They are entertaining as they are busy sorting out dominance during the winter. This involves displaying and dancing around each other and occasionally sparring. We enjoy watching the spectacle.

Turkey Show

We have seen thirty plus turkeys at one time. You can count them in this picture. The peak number of turkeys we have seen at one time was thirty-seven but that was several years ago.

Thirty plus Turkeys
Turkeys Feeding

We routinely see a hawk checking out our yard.

Cooper’s Hawk

I camped the deck feeders to grab a few pictures.


We had egg bread for breakfast/brunch January first.

We managed to get a roast beast finally and so we cooked it on New Years Day in celebration of the coming year. I regret to say I over cooked it as you can see from the pictures. It is a little too well done for a proper Moeller celebration. I guess I’ll have to get another one and keep practicing.

We recently made a fratata with some tovers.

Lazy Meal – Chicken Pot PI
Honey Sesame Chicken

Fun with Benji

COVID Haircuts

One of the things we have given up for the year is going to the barber. Meg offered to be my hairstylist again. You know what they say about insanity? Doing the same thing again and expecting a different outcome!

So we are headed into a new year. I hope this finds you healthy and you manage to stay safe.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji Helped me with this Blog

3 thoughts on “Into 2021”

  1. Love Benji’s fashion muzzle — hope that does not interfere with his snacking during walks.

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