Winter Solstice 2020

I suppose the event of this past week was Winter Storm Gail. This was another Nor’easter that just brushed us. We were expecting more but likely got less than eight inches of snow total. It would be hard to tell because we did get the wind and drifting. Fortunately it was also really cold here, so it was a light fluffy snow. We didn’t lose power but we did effectively lose the internet which interrupted movie night. The snow is sort of a blessing for me because it brings an end to the fall outdoor work whether it is done or not and it is never done. So I get a respite from feeling guilty for not getting work done outdoors.

Wink finally prevailed on me to put up some Xmas decorations. Of course my decorations went up first and were the subject of the previous blog. We got some inside decorating done as well.

Xmas Tree Decorated

The Protagonists

The turkeys and crows had a vigorous discussion about the scratch feeder in the yard. I thought I would share a little bit of it with you.

Turkeys Versus Crows


We got more ear corn and got the SQRL feeder back into operation. The hope was that this would reduce the pressure on the bird feeders.

SQRL Feeder
SQRL Feeder

The problem with turkeys is that turkeys can be a problem. The turkeys can strip the corn so fast it doesn’t feed the SQRLs and they keep bothering my bird feeders. We will have to try to move the corn out of reach of the turkeys. The SQRLs will then be further from the ground. It shoule be interesting to see what happens.


A Wee Bit of Snow
Feeding the Boids
More Snew
Bluebird of HAPPINESS
Canada Geese
Downy Woodpecker

Fun with Food

Sammie, Cole Slaw with pickled radish, Grapes

Fun with Benji

Benji in Snow

We are sliding into Xmas. I failed to preorder a roast beast and the store we planned to use stopped curbside pickup because the holiday got too busy. So we plan to postpone the big meal to New Years Day. It is likely to be a low key Christmas. We agreed not to exchange gifts this year. So we plan to relax and enjoy each others company.

We are all still healthy and trying to stay that way. We plan to maintain self isolation until we get a vaccine. Hope you all are staying safe and healthy.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji says stay safe

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