
Mark and Wink went to Bedrock Gardens and were introduced to some exceptional characters. We needed a greeter/guardian for our home in NewMahket. We were inspired to ask if such a being existed that would like to move to our house.

About two months later Cybil was born.

Initially they had a hankering for foo-foo things. Thus began my second career as a fashion designer with Meg as a fashion consultant.


A strange thing happened as Cybil matured.

Oh My! Cybil
My Goodness

This was a totally unexpected transformation as Cybil grew into Cyrus. They weren’t totally comfortable in their new form and still had a penchant for fashion trendsetting. I suspect that they now have a larger wardrobe than I do at this point. It is important to maintain a presence.

From the Highlands
Hawaiian Islands
Cinco de Mayo
Canada Day
Xmas 2019
Livingston, I presume?

And finally 2020,

Fashion Designer
Xmas 2020 -Fashion Consultants
A Very Moeller Xmas

We enlisted a little greeter help for them as it was becoming a big task.

Have a crab apple

When we first arrived in NewMahket we put up traditional Moeller decorations. We were politely asked not to put them up again.

2012 Xmas Deco

We felt that 2020 really needed a great send off, so we resurrected some of existing Xmas décor.

Stay healthy,

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji approves this blog

2 thoughts on “Cybil/Cyrus”

  1. Awww, thanks for the chuckles – I quite agree with your gnome on my feelings about 2020. Probably earlyish 2021 too. The pears are pretty funny. Your ginch is a stoke of genius, don’t know why your neighbors would object – it’s wonderful to have a counterpoint to the standard (and boring) hallmark presentation of Xmas!

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