Tax Day Blog 2020

I wasn’t sure when I would gather enuf pictures for another blog. It has been a week since the last post and not much had happened. Meg encouraged me to settle down and take some pictures. I hope that a few of these pictures bring a smile to your face.


It was a hot day today and the bird bath was a big draw. We must have refilled the baths more than a dozen times. Meg Suggested measuring how far each species splashes.

Bird Bath Open!
Robin Bathing
Bluejay Bathing

I thought I saw the cutest thing when a catbird had a magnificent bath.

Catbird Bathing

Then I saw a juvenile Robin that was also a contender for cutest thing.

Juvenile Robin
Juvenile Robin Bathing
Chickadee Bathing
Orioles Bathing
Juvenile Oriole Bathing


The critters are making short work of the blueberries. The only good thing is they already got the low hanging fruit and now are in the top of the canopy. This makes taking pictures easier.

Low Hanging Fruit
Female Cardinal

One of my favorite things about the yard is the amount of forage for the critters. We added several cherry trees last fall and they are producing fruit for the first time in our yard this year.

Cherry Tree
Male Cardinal

We also have Juniper berries. Wink has seen several birds feasting on them.

Juniper Berries
More Juniper Berries

I saw my first Cedar Waxwing of 2020. They love the Juniper Berries.

Cedar Waxwing
Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden

Bird Feeders

Suet Feeder with Downy Woodpecker
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Red Bellied Woodpecker


I would like to take a moment to introduce Tommy. He is a young male turkey (Jake) that has taken up solitary residence in our yard. It is fairly late in the season and we haven’t seen any turkey chicks, so for whatever reason, it looks like we won’t get any this year.

Tommy (small bearded turkey)

Tommy share the scratch food we put on the ground where our bird feeders used to be. He shares the food with all comers.

Violet Rose on the scratch food

He hangs out in the yard all day and roosts in the Ash tree on the edge of the yard.

Tommy Chillaxing
Ash Tree
Tommy’s Roost

With considerable luck, Tommy will grow up to be Tom or Thomas in a couple of years.


Just what you think it is. One of my Yuccas bloomed again. So pretty.

The deer are still going after the downed tree.


The squirrels are still after the bird feeders.



Unfortunately we missed BYOB this week for the first time since we sheltreed in place. But we are still keeping busy in the kitchen.

BLT w Cole Slaw
Cinnamon French Toast
Sourdough Ham Sandwich


Benji is a peoples dog. He wants to be with you all the time.

For not much happening, it has been a pretty busy day. I hope you enjoyed some of the goings on.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji Approved this Blog (and helped create it)

1 thought on “Tax Day Blog 2020”

  1. Great pictures and, as usual, I’m hungry now that I’ve read your blog! The pics of you and your “side-kick” are very relatable. Tell me- Do you get to go to the bathroom alone? I’ve usually got somebody in the room with me and somebody else patiently waiting outside!!

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