Early July 2020

We survived the fourth of July. Benji was mercifully unperturbed by all the loud noise from the fireworks. He went about his business as though nothing unusual was happening.

The usual cast of characters are keeping us entertained. We have also ordered restaurant food to be delivered twice, Japanese and pizza, which is a welcome change. We continue to putz along in the kitchen as well. I have tried to document it all for your viewing pleasure.

The birds of prey are keeping an eye on the yard.

It is the same story every year about this time… We have two blueberry gardens and the berries are starting to ripen. We don’t manage to harvest many of our blueberries because a host descends on them and they are gone.

Mark’s Blueberries
Eating Mark’s Blueberries
SQRL eating Mark’s Blueberries
SQRL Eating Mark’s Blueberries

We have a fair amount of baby activity in the yard.

Feeding Baby Oriole
Feeding Baby Oriole

We continue to have trouble keeping water in the bird baths. It is fun to watch all the activity.

Oriole Bathing
Robin Bathing

We have other visitors to keep Benji entertained….

Bunny Rabbit

We had some more landscaping by wind, lost another big tree. But the deer are actively eating its leaves.

Landscaping by wind 🙁

We have been trying to have fun in the kitchen. Often the creating and presentation are as much of a goal as the eating. The eating is just a side benefit. We need to eat, so there is no reason not to have a little fun on the side. Maybe I should have a sub blog focused on recipes and some cooking videos. (Example HERE)

Cheeseburger PI

We make an effort to maintain Friday BYOB atmosphere, even though we are self isolating. Just trying to add a little joy to the weeks as they drag by.

Avocado Toast

Benji keeps us on our toes. He is still a puppy and very active.

In preparing the blogs and taking photos, it helps to have a spotter. They can give you a heads up when something is going down.

My Spotter

We are hanging out in NewMahket and trying to make the best of things.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji Approves this Blog

3 thoughts on “Early July 2020”

  1. Love your spotter as you’re taking the picture out the door. I barely knew what the caption meant but then saw a little black nose and some whickers from the edge of the door. They sure are helpers, aren’t they? I just wish I could remember what it’s like to visit the bathroom alone!

    As always, thanks for sharing the blog. It always makes me hungry!!

  2. Hope weather there is more moderate than Dubuque. Het wave here. Love your blogs. Thanks!

  3. The food looks absolutely delicious and never knew the bird bath could be so entertaining. The squirrels’ fur looks very healthy – clearly you’re feeding them well.

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