February Doldrums 2023

Winter came back with a vengeance. We were supposed to get four to six inches of snow, but instead got a quarter inch of ice and then two inches of snow. This made a real mess of things. Following the slop we got a cold snap to fix it in place. It almost makes one wish to escape to warmer climes.

Mark’s Folly

This is what it might look like to escape to warmer weather.

Nah, it was an escaped Dragon


Eagle on Station
Barbara the Barred Owl (Too big to be Barry)


Mark Had Nuther BDay

Fun with Food

Baya, Benji and Friends

So you can see, it really is a hardship to be stuck in NewMaHket in February while the ladies are gallivanting half a world away.

Mark and Benji

3 thoughts on “February Doldrums 2023”

  1. Poor Guy! I can see from the pictures it’s been torturous and you’ve practically starved to death! That said, I’m sure you’ll be happy to see your girls on Wednesday and vice versa!

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