October 2021

I haven’t been doing a good job of keeping up with the blogging so I have a three month backlog of pictures which is growing. I keep hoping to catch up and it is now beyond that although I plan to do recent blogs and backfill as the opportunity presents.

October means fall, garden cleanup and most importantly Halloween. The pasture should have been mowed by now but we have had too much rain and the field is too soggy to get the mower in. We have started losing leaves and I would guess we are 80 to 90 percent complete in shedding leaves. We have made two passes on cleaning them up and I would guess we will have to make two more.

I hadn’t been to the barber shop since the pandemic began. when I stopped shaving, It turns out that my beard grew in nicely. It was entertaining to have all that hair and we had fun with it. We dyed my hair with different colors for different seasons. For the fourth of July I died my beard red, white and blue. Since we were using non permanent dye, the coloring usually only lasted a few days. I called this my Ted Kaczynski look.


Project that forward a few months and I expect I would look like this.


Wink prevailed upon to go to the barber. This was the end result of my first trip to a barber in more than a year and a half. I was hoping for a ponytail but my hair never got long enough.


Cybil decided to dress for HALLOWEEN and decided to be the dragon, Smaug for the Hobbit. So I dressed as Gandalf and Meg went as a Hobbit.

Dressed for Halloween


We have had the usual goings on in the yard and took a few bird pictures.

Cooper Hawk
Cooper Hawk checking out bird feeders
Lunch anyone?

We have a small flock of turkeys hanging around the yard.

The herons have been looking to supplement their fish diet again.

English Starlings


The deer have been hanging out.

Fox at Meg’s


Garter Snake

Fun with Food


Fun with Benji

First Trip to a Dog Park

October has come and gone. I got a new toy.

Cordless Chain Saw
Brush Clearing
Double Rainbow
Werkin Hard

It is currently halfway through November. We still have a significant amount of yard work to do before we are ready for winter.

I hope to backfill on the blogs.

Mark, Wink and Meg

2 thoughts on “October 2021”

  1. I was wondering if you’d lost interest in your blogging…good to see you’re still at it. I’m with Wink on the trip to the barber!! HAHAHA

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