Mid June 2021

Somehow we have been too busy to go out kayaking recently. In spite of that we have taken a few hundred pictures and it is time to blog again. I am amazed at how fast pictures accumulate around here. After I complete a blog, I often wonder how I am going to generate content for the next blog but stuff just keeps on keeping on.

Yucca Bloom 🙂


This time last year I did a series on “Hot Chicks in a Bath.” We had a couple of really hot days, 95 F or hotter and it was hard to keep water in the bird baths. The birds put on quite a show.

Bird Bath
Bathing Beauties

We took a camera with us when Benji went for a walk and got some more pictures of a heron.

Osprey on Shackford Point


Bath Time

Fun with Food

A friend of Wink’s came for a visit and it was a good excuse to grill some seafood.

Fun with Benji

It is hard work keeping the house safe

Moody Point is opening up after COVID. We had a music gathering a week ago and the BYO’s at the point have restarted. There was a large turn over in the community last year during COVID and so we are meeting new folks and reconnecting with those we haven’t seen for a year. It is a relief to have COVID restrictions eased. Our lives are slowly getting back to pre COVID normal.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji is not a fan of blogging