Late August SE (speshul edition)

I feel like I am spamming. This is the fifth blog in August 2020 and I had no intention of putting out this many blogs in a month. One a week even seems excessive sometimes. However I have four hundred eighty-five pictures to sort through and hopefully an entertaining story to tell.


To help identify the birds, I downloaded the MERLIN app from Cornell Ornithology Lab onto my phone. I can now download the pictures to the phone and run the app. I learned one of the birds that looked unusual was a yellow warbler. I also learned that there are multiple looks to the blue green gnat catcher depending on sex and breeding status. So hopefully I will up my game a little. Next I need a bird call app.

Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak

The female rose breasted grosbeak sometimes is confused with the female house sparrow. We have both visiting our bird feeder on the porch.

Blue Grey Gnat Catcher

We have been seeing these guys in the trees now that we know to look for them.

Blue Grey Gnat Catcher

We are still tracking the melting bluejays. It is entertaining watching their crests grow back in.

Male Baltimore Oriole
Melting Cardinal

We see the turkeys in the yard routinely. Not all the young turkeys grow up.

We finally had some weather and got some fog and rain. This was leftovers from a hurricane again. This one came from the gulf coast so the weather wasn’t as severe as the one that tracked up the east coast.

More Fog
Heron on the Eagles Perch
Cooper Hawk in the Rain


The duhr hang around.


We have seen fewer squirrels and chipmunks. I guess there is plentiful food closer to home where it is safer.

Chipmunk Chipping

Fun with Benji

We tried a grand experiment. We got Benji a life jacket and wanted to see how he would like kayaking. Unfortunately we picked a rather windy day for a first time kayaking experience.


Benji is no fool and he would not walk down the rickety ramp to the float. As you can see from the next photo, he was a dubious dog.

Dubious Dog in Life-jacket

Initially Benji went with Meg. When I caught up to them, he decided to try walking on water. It didn’t work out well for him. He obviously has no boating experience. We transferred him to my kayak so all three of us ended up being soaked. We decided to give it up and try again at a later date.

Benji Learns he cant walk on water
Home Safe

Fun with Food

Because why not? We are stuck at home, might as well experiment in the kitchen and have a little fun.

Ramen Soup

Recipe Link Here

Pizza from Gepettos
Soup for Lunch with 3 Day Marinated Ramen Egg


It was past due to change Cybel’s costume.

A True Beauty

New Greeter

We hired a new greeter to welcome visitors to the estate.


That is it for last week. I already have a couple hundred more photos since I froze the content of this blog.

We are all healthy and are maintaining a fairly strict self isolation. It is wearing us down. This blog is one way to share some joie de vivre.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji Approves This Blog

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