Late September 2022

I didn’t think I would have enough content to do this post. A couple hundred pictures later here we are. There is even a slight backlog for the next post.

The leaves are turning and a few are coming down. The weather is getting Fall like. But this person was out on their windsurfer.



There is a lot of bird activity in the yard as summer gives way to fall. The migrating birds have either already left or are travelling through now.

Crow at Andrew’s
Heron and Gull

Benji goes for an afternoon walk every day. Recently we walked him on the shore trail that abuts our lot, and saw a flock of migrating birds we didn’t recognize. So today we brought a camera with us. Unfortunately we didn’t see the new birds but we took some pictures anyway.

In the past we had a great blue heron that caught our chipmunks. It has been a few years since we last saw him. It seems our yard has attracted a heron again. Here is a picture of it being scared off by the intrepid Benji.


This guy has been stalking small mammals since the pasture was mowed.


SQRL at Meg’s

Mark’s Folly

Fun with Food

Fun with Benji

Wink and I are still recovering from our colds. Fall yard work awaits us.

Mark, Wink and Meg