I had the time to update the vacation blogs but not the inclination. We are still recovering from COVID. Wink has lost most of her sense of taste and that can be discouraging. Being sick and tiring easily limited what we could do. We followed the Doctor’s guidelines: isolated for five days after symptoms appear and mask and social distance for another five days. We mostly exceeded these requirements because COVID is a nasty bug. Fortunately, Andrew has not gotten it yet.
Meg had a couple of visitors to her yard.
This guy just migrates through and is not a normal resident here.

The deer have spread out and are having their fawns. We have seen a fawn but no pictures yet. One doe has taken a liking to our yard and drives any intruders away.

Mud Hole Update
The mud hole/rock pile seems to be holding water. The end is in sight. It also has it’s first resident.

Kayak Adventures 06 ,07, 08
I got Meg’s pictures from KA 06 and it was Su’s last kayaking as she had to self isolate until the day before she had to go home. Andrew and I went fishing twice more. We didn’t take very many pictures except for the occasional fish.

We still had a few nightcrawlers left and used them up. We have largely switched over to artificial baits. We are not catching as many fish, but the quality of the catch has improved.

Fun with Food
We had plans to go out and get lobster during Su’s visit, but sadly that was not to be. So if Su couldn’t go to the lobster, the only alternative was for the lobster to come to Su.

Fun with Benji

Su got home safe and in spite of getting COVID enjoyed her time visiting Newmarket.
Slowly getting better.
Mark, Wink, Meg and Su
Still enjoying your blogs
Good to see Su got some lobstah!! No trip would be complete!!