Mid November 2022

Time has gotten away from me again. We are well into football season and still have yard clean up to do.


At the BYOB everyone told me that they were going to dye their hair blue for the Patriot Football game BYOB. If everyone was jumping off a bridge, wouldn’t you want to too?

Pyromaniacs Training Class

We still had a brush pile obstructing our view of the Bay and we decided to clean it up.

Brush Pile

The easiest way to remove the brush pile was to burn it. We took this as an opportunity to initiate a new class of future pyromaniacs. The first step is to warn them about the dangers of playing with fire.

Fire is Dangerous

In the next sequence you can see how hard it is to keep good help.

In the first picture you can see the initiates sitting too close to the fire and as the fire grows, there go the initiates. OOPS.

Playing with Fire
Brush Pile Removed


Fun with Food

Fun with Benji

This pretty much brings us up to Thanksgiving, which will be covered in the next blog.

Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne

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