Kayak Adventure 2022-17

It has been a busy time in the Moeller household this fall. Kate-Lynne has not seen fall foliage before, so we went leaf peeping twice, once in the car and once in the kayak on the Lamprey River. Kate-Lynne did most of the photography and we ended up with almost nine hundred pictures. This is too many for a single blog. So we decided to make multiple smaller blogs that are confined to a single theme.

We decided to pin pictures to a map in the hope of conveying a better feel for the adventure. The black markers are links to embedded pictures. Click on the pin to get the picture. Move the mouse off the picture to go back to the map.

Mark, Wink and Kate-Lynne loaded the kayaks onto the trailer at Meg’s house and headed for the town landing on the Piscassic

We started by heading west toward the dam on Packers Falls Road. We were looking for the mammals we had seen last summer. Unfortunately we didn’t see any mammals at all.

Dam at Packers Falls Road

There were quite a few people with the same idea that we had, so there were many other boats on the water. We asked if people had seen any birds or mammals and were directed further upstream. So we set off upstream.

We paddled up the Lamprey River to Railroad Bridge 2. All told it was about a 5K trip and we spent more than two hours sight seeing.

We didn’t see much in terms of birds. A bluejay fooled us into thinking it was a kingfisher.

A Great Paddle

We went out to dinner after the kayak adventure. We bumped into a heron sitting on the Newmarket Dam across the Lamprey River.


Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne

2 thoughts on “Kayak Adventure 2022-17”

  1. Mark, I’ve been out of touch for a while having succeeded in fracture my femur on an bike ride. The peddle clip wouldn’t release by foot and I went over. It was a simple fall as we were stopping to wait for traffic on a cross street. Since 9/7 it’s been a series of stays in hospital (Mt Auburn) – a simple fracture with no needto operate, by then a UTI followed by a positive Covid test at the rehab and various other distractions while on the mend.
    I liked the railroad bridges and the reflections of the foliage on the water.

  2. Mark, you folks have some outstanding foliage, even if the wildlife is in hiding. Francoise and I were in Schenectady last weekend for our 50th high school reunion. We made a car tour to Weston, VT, passing the Bromley ski area. We saw nice colors there, but it was not yet peaking. Sorry to hear from Jim Moore that the hospital adventure got so dragged out. Get well soon!

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