Late July 2020

I am continually amazed by all the craziness that goes on in our yard. It has only been a week and already I have enough content for another blog. It can be a lot of fun to put together a blog. Hope you enjoy.

This is a rather long blog, so I will break it into sections. The turkeys have put on quite a show, so they have their own section. Then we will have a bird watching section, followed by mammals, Bengi and finally fun with food.


There is new construction a few houses away from us. They took down some trees and unfortunately one was used as a turkey roost. So a small flock of turkeys seems to have taken over Tommy’s roost.

Turkey Chicks

We had some yard work done and this is why you cant have nice things in NewMahket.

Used to be Grass Seed

The wood stack in the foreground is the pear tree that blew down and is now firewood.

Boot, Scoot and Boogey
Hiding Out

Meg saw the turkeys fly into Tommy’s roost the night before so we camped the roost at the same time tonight.

Turkey Bedtime
Roosting Turkey
Baby Turkeys Headed to Roost
The Runt

Murder of Crows

On Alert

Bird Watching

Chickadee in Mark’s Blueberries
Hairy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Great Blue Heron

Where’s Wanda?


The butterfly and hummingbird garden is finally showing its colours. The critters are loving it.

Where’s Wanda?
Where’s Wanda?
Where’s Wanda?


Doe and two Fawns
SQRL (Bane of Bird-feeders)



Fun with Food

Cooking can be a creative outlet and I have been texting my endeavors to my family in the spirit of friendly competition. Their responses have been a lot of fun to see. We still try to do a mini BYOB Friday nights maintaining the Moody Point tradition.

BYOB Plated
BYOB Finishing Touches

Epic Fail

We had some left over french fries and not wanting to waste them, I tried turning them into a breakfast food. I read a recipe where you could use tater tots as a shell for an egg concoction, so I decided to give it a try.

The Result
Breakfast for a week

I failed to crisp the fries before I put them into the muffin tin. They ended up a little soggy. I should have either baked them in a convection oven to crisp them or put them in a blender to make a better shell that would have crisped during baking. The ladies did not appreciate the effort, so I did as most cooks and destroyed the evidence by eating it. Breakfast for Mark for a week, just pop them into the microwave.

The rest of the left overs crisped in convection oven
Chicken Dinner

That’s about all that has happened this week. We continue to self isolate and maintain covid precautions. Hope you all stay well.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji approves this blog

2 thoughts on “Late July 2020”

  1. Try poutine with left over fries!! Plus, it’s only a murder of crows if there is probable caws!

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