Jock Bird Watching

We spent two days at the Jock Safari Camp. It was enclosed, so no escort was needed in the evening. It overlooked a river. There was a single guide and it was not a private tour. The guide was another big game enthusiast, so much for birding.

Red Billed Buffalo Weaver
White Faced Whistling Duck
Tawny Eagle
Wattled Lapwing
Verreax’s Eagle Owl
Black Crake
Natal Spurfowl
Red Billed Oxpecker
Striated Heron
Senegal Lapwing
Ring Necked Dove
Hadada Ibis and Blacksmith Lapwings

Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne

1 thought on “Jock Bird Watching”

  1. You photographers are doing pretty well for having a guide oriented toward big game. Who can’t love the oxpeckers! Thanks for the shared photos and have a good trip home.

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