Lukimbi Bird Watching

Lukimbi was our third Safari Lodge in our great Kruger adventure. It is a private concession, so the guides can off road for better game sightings. This lodge had a tracker as well as a guide. The tracker was Michael and the guide was Darren. This was a four day Safari and involved eight game drives. Because of the large number of pictures, I will break it into two blogs: bird watching and safari. Here goes:

Gray Tit Flycatcher
White Crowned Shrike
Dideric Cuckoo
Red Crested Bustard
Double Banded Sand Grouse
Greater Blue Eared Starling
Rattling Cisticola
Southern Black Tit
Marico Sunbird
Forked Tail Drongo

The drongos will go out of their way to harass birds of prey.

Crowned Lapwing
European Bee-eater
Crested Francolin
Thick Billed Cuckoo
Crested Barbet
Red Backed Shrike
TBD Eagle
Woodland Kingfisher

I guess we saw sum birds.

Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne

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