Shalati Safari

Our second stop was for three days at the Shalati Safari Camp. It is in Kruger proper and our guide was Alvis. The safari camp is a bunch of units made from train cars on a bridge that spanned the Sabi River in Krueger National Park. It was possible to sit and watch the wildlife from our room.

Shalati Train Hotel

Because this was in Kruger proper, we were not allowed to do off roading but because we had a ranger guide, there were no time restrictions.

Shalati Birdwatching

Woodland Kingfisher
Chinspot Batis
White-bellied Sunbird
Southern Black-Flycatcher
Striated Heron
Natal Spurfowl
Little Bee-Eater
Martial Eagle
White Backed Vulture
Violet-backed Starling
Fish Eagles
Hadada Ibis
Yellow Billed Stork and Grey Heron (sizes)
White Faced Whistling Duck
Black-backed Puffback
Southern Red-billed Hornbill
Helmeted Guineafowl
Blacksmith Lapwing
Forked Tail Drongo

I think the forked tail drongo was one of my favorite birds. We sighted it frequently and it often harassed the eagles similar to what the nesting red winged blackbirds do at home.

Shalati Safari

Big Five – Elephants

Big Five – Lions

Big Five – Leopard

We only saw one leopard and it was after sunset.


Big Five – Rhino

We did not see a rhino while in Shalati. We did see several between Shalati and Lukimbi.

Big Five – Buffalo

We did see buffalo but they were too far away to be worth photographing.

All in all, a very successful safari.

Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne

2 thoughts on “Shalati Safari”

  1. Wow, wow, WOW!! The birds are fantastic!! The big five, great too. What a fantastic adventure.

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