Late Nov. – Early Dec 2022

Time just keeps slipping by me. I intended to have a Thanksgiving Day Blog but here it is the middle of December. So better late than never.

We did a great job cleaning up the yard for the winter.

Brush pile No More

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, this is not the case. So we decided to do some more landscaping by wind and another tree came down. This was not a problem except it landed on another tree we wanted to keep, so we had to deal with it.

Tree 🙁

Meg’s Inaugural Fire Pit

We had some cold wet weather, so we decided to take advantage of it and inaugurate Meg’s fire pit. It was so cold, you had to sit close to the fire to stay warm.

Fire Pit

Now back to the same old same old blog.


Eagles on the Point
Cooper Hawk

The crows and turkeys show up at our house at eight AM expecting to be fed. If they don’t get there on time the bluejays and English starlings will eat their food.


We have seen quite a few deer. One thing we noticed is that we haven’t had a lot of seed husks to cleanup even though we feed shelled sunflower seeds. I guess we know why.

Clean Up Crew

Wink decided to put out corn for the squirrels on the bunji jumper. It didn’t take long for the squirrels and the turkeys to find it.

Just because we feed them doesn’t mean our bird feeders are off limits.

Fun with Food

We celebrated Thanksgiving at home with a Brunch mid morning and a big meal midafternoon.

Thanksgiving Brunch

Thanksgiving Feast

We grilled a cowboy steak and some chicken for the Feast.

Fun with Food

Fun with Benji

We got our tree up but are having problems getting the lights to work.


We also got our Xmas cards sent. That is early for us, usually it is a last minute thing.

Kate-Lynne has returned to South Africa. 🙁

That’s about it.

Mark, Wink, Meg and Kate-Lynne