Mid May 2022

Life on the home front goes on. We have been busy since we got home from vacation. We are trying to catch up on the spring yard work. The trees are blooming and everything is greening up.

Work on the water feature progresses.

Water Feature
Meg’s Patio


Thomas is still showing off
Verdi Bird



Kayak Adventure 2022-03 and 3a

Andrew and I took the kayaks out on the Piscassic River and drowned some worms. The kayaks are stored at Meg’s house and the town launch is about half a mile away. There is a dam halfway between Meg’s house and the launch so it is easier to drive the kayaks to the launch.

Loaded Up

We caught five different species of fish: Large Mouth Bass, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Perch and one Chain Pickerel. We are using ultralight equipment and it is just fun fishing, catch and release.

We weren’t the only ones enjoying the good weather.

Dog Paddling

Fun with Food

Fun with Benji

This cleans up the pictures I have taken since we got back.

I still plan to do four more vacation blogs.

I will try to be better about keeping up with the picture taking in Newmarket. We plan to spend more time on the water as the weather improves.

Mark, Wink and Meg

1 thought on “Mid May 2022”

  1. You do not appear to have gained any weight with all that good looking food.

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