We decided to take a week long vacation in Chatham MA this summer. We didn’t vacation last year so we had plans to go all out on this trip. We planned to go whale watching twice, deep sea fishing with heavy tackle full day, fishing with light tackle half day and spend some time in Provincetown shopping. That would have put us out on the water four out of five days of our vacation. Unfortunately Tropical Storm Elsa arrived on the day we were supposed to go deep sea fishing. It was windy, rainy, and nasty outside and we spent the first day of our vacation confined to the rental cottage.
When we were planning the vacation, we found a cabin on Stillwater Pond. In the description they highlighted freshwater fishing on the pond and advertised a private dock, row boat, two kayaks and a paddle board. So when we packed we included our ultralight fishing poles and tackle planning to add freshwater fishing to the stay.

The cabin had a porch, kitchen, living/dining room, two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms.
Cabin Viewed from Dock Cabin Front Porch Kitchen Living/Diving Area Bedroom Two Master Bedroom Master Bath

We weren’t the residents on the pond.
Someone else thought the freshwater fishing was good on the pond.
The weather was spotty after the storm. One morning we woke up and could barely see the dock.

We spent some time in Chatham shopping and dining. A visit would not be complete without two or more stops at the Chatham Candy Manor.

There was also art in the park. You can bid online for these masterpieces.
It was a very pleasant place to stay. One drawback was there were large crowds not wearing masks and this made us slightly uncomfortable.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.
Mark, Wink and Meg
Glad you didn’t get blown away!!
I always loved Chatham when we stayed in Orleans in the sixties.
Dave & Clare Loebl