OH Bother – Nuther Blog April 2021

It snowed again today and we had a frost last night.

Well I hope I am not spamming you. This is the fourth blog of April and there will likely be a fifth, Maybe that calls for a fifth.

We are getting out more and walking the shore. We have seen the work boat and that suggests theh dock will be in shortly.

Work Boat

Signs of spring abound. Our double bloodroots are poking up out of the ground.

Anna Lisa and Friends


We are seeing more species that herald the arrival of spring. It can be pretty amazing to see all the different birds. Home on the bay can be a pretty amazing place to live.

Yellow Rumped Warbler
White Throated Sparrow
House Finch
Gold Finch
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Male Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Rose Breasted Nuthatch

Shore Walk

On the path to the shore we came across this guy.


Walking along the shore we saw herons and a flying Osprey.

Gull eating horseshoe crab
Osprey sitting the nest

So all in all, a fairly successful shore walk

Wagon Hill Farm

Wagon Hill Farm is a conservation area on the shore of Great Bay in the town of Durham. They have a living shoreline and restoration project. I am on the Moody Point Environmental Committee and we met with some UNH biologists to discuss possible work on our shoreline.

Wagon Hill Farm
Trail System

It was a really pleasant walk.

Eroding Shoreline
Gull Eating Horseshoe Crab

It was good to meet with our UNH contacts and discuss future collaborations.


Bungee Jumping SQRL (shoudda videoed)
Reward fir Bungee Jumping

Fun with Food

We ate out in a restaurant for the first time in over a year. We waited until two O’clock to go in and get lunch. We were one of the few people there and at the end we were the only customers.

Mexican Food
Chihuahua Fajitas
I cant believe I ate the whole thing 🙂

We did our usual cooking at home as well.

Pierogis and Keilbasa

Fun with Bengi

We are looking forward to getting out more. We plan to have a small party tomorrow night, which will likely feature in next weeks blog.

We are still being circumspect and following the COVID guidelines. We are so relieved to have received our vaccines. It is just nice not to be trapped in the house.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji doesn’t care for blogging – boooring!

3 thoughts on “OH Bother – Nuther Blog April 2021”

  1. Kathryn McGinley

    Enjoyed this post, Mark. Your spot is very special & it’s nice to see how much you appreciate it. Despite a year + of being “restrained” there’s been a lot for you to see & admire. I love that warbler you captured in your photos as well as the description of your various walks. It’s a lovely time of year.

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