Do you want ‘Whine’ with that?

It is sooo hard being Mark. I am stuck in the dark ages of digital photography. My main cameras are point and shoot cameras with barely 18 Megapixels. The main camera is a Nikon P900 which has a maximum zoom of 83x. The bigger heavier camera is the Nikon P1000 with a 125 zoom. The price of that zoom is the f stop of the camera/lens system is limited. It means the cameras work well in strong light but are limited in low light situations. The cameras also only shoot in Jpeg mode.

I mostly take pictures to support my blog habit. Unfortunately, I have a very discerning audience with very high expectations. To meet those lofty goals requires me to up my game considerably. To me, one way to do that is to upgrade my tech. I guess the easiest way to support my claim is with some examples. These pictures were taken with the Nikon P1000.


Red Breasted Nuthatch
Red Breasted Nuthatch
Red Breasted Nuthatch

These pictures are examples of what might be. I am looking at full frame mirrorless cameras with 45 plus Megapixels. That would provide almost double the pixel density as the current cameras. Just think it would be more equivalent pixels than the human eye. It also would be possible to create extremely enlarged prints. With better optics both the depth of field and colour would improve. These pictures would really POP. A couple more examples:

Hairy Woodpecker
Female Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Bird Forage (cherries)
Bird Forage (black alder berries)

We added a heated bird bath to the front stoop. The birds were used to having a bird bath there and kept looking for it.

Heated Bird Spa
Two Eagles

So you can see from these pictures that a new camera is required to go from pictures to photographs. (Adding a real photographer would also help.)


  1. All the real bloggers have upgraded tech.
  2. Spending that much money would be a boost to the world economy in these times of recession.
  3. I wanna!
  4. There is a possibility my pictures would improve.
  5. What if you could see the mites on the tines instead of just the tines of the feathers?
  6. It’s Black Friday and it will be cheapest NOW!
  7. We have to keep up with the neighbors, what will they think of us if we don’t?
  8. My life would be incomplete without a real camera.
  9. Think of the missed opportunities.
  10. Christmas and birthday are coming.
  11. The NEED is REAL.
  12. Oh the humanity of it!
  13. Just imagine a blog of photographs instead of just pictures.
  14. It has the potential to pay for itself over amortized over 1000 years.

Now if Mark gets a new camera, you open the door a crack. To take proper advantage of the new camera, Mark would need new optics. So of course the sky is the limit. Next, to deal with the large file sizes of shooting 45 Megapixel raw images will require more computing power and a lot more storage. The investment costs are huge. A real boost to the economy.


The chipmunks and SQRLS have been busy.


A bear has visited us again.

Finch Feeder Modified

We had the trail camera up and the bear did trigger the camera. Unfortunately a black bear does not show up well on infrared. Even extreme data processing does not bring the picture out.


This is a young bear out on its own for the first time. This little guy is learning bad habits by feeding off bird feeders. You can see that it didn’t do too much damage to the flimsy feeder. We don’t want this little one to become dependent on bird feeders, so we will likely bring our feeders in for a couple weeks. 🙁

Then there was this little guy. He is out and about in the middle of the day scouting for chicks. He can definitely feel the luv in the air. He is likely too young to find any willing partners but he has to try.

Lookin fer luv

Fun with Food

Fun with Benji

I hope I have managed to persuade you that I really, really, really need another camera. We have thee cameras with 83+ magnification, an underwater camera, a video camera and cameras in our phones. We have a spotting scope in the office and optics of some sort or other near the other South facing windows. We also have several trail cameras of which only one is in service and three are in storage.

I obviously have visions of grandeur, thinking a new camera will transform me from a picture taker to a photographer. But haven’t I persuaded you that it is imperative I follow my dream regardless of how frivolous and expensive.

Mark, Wink and Meg

Benji Really Doesn’t Care

6 thoughts on “Do you want ‘Whine’ with that?”

  1. Why not? You didn’t go on a cruise this year…. It will definitely keep you busy upgrading everything for the storage… (sorry Wink :()

  2. A. Benji get entirely too little luvins!! 🤪❤
    B. Did you see my fb post to you and fam? That will help your photos immensely!!

  3. No whining necessary. The pictures are fun and interesting and generally chronicle something that I did not see. That is enough for me…please carry on.

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