“Nuttin Evah Happens in NewMarket!”
December 2019 Edition
I recently posted about the half meter of snow we recently got. Sad to say, it is all gone now. On top of the twenty inches of wet snow melt, a neighbors weather-station recorded four inches of rain. So with the bay frozen over and all that run off, we got our yearly one hundred year flood. I am relieved that we don’t have global warming so we can wait another hundred years for a flood event like that again.
This was the result of a larger than usual tide and the unusual weather conditions. Except for a wet yard, we were not that adversely affected.
We have at least two hawks frequenting the yard. Here are two pictures to contrast the two. The one on the left is a Coopers Hawk and is the smaller of the two. The one on the right is a Red Tailed Hawk. Wink saw the red tail when he took off. The hawks aren’t the only predatory bird we have.
After the rain there was ground fog due to the land still being cold. You can see the fog had not built to the tree tops in the pictures but had filled in lower. Eventually we were completely fogged in.
The bird channel has been very active. It is truly a pleasure to sit in the Living Room and watch the Bay Yard.
We are not in the Eastern Towhee winter range according to the guide books. The northern fringe shows to be on the shores of Southern Connecticut. We did get pictures of a Towhee last summer.
Can you say “Bluebird of Happiness?” We got a tonne of Bluebird pictures. Just fun to watch. I just ordered another five pound bag of freeze dried meal worms. The meal worms seem to be popular across bird species.
We have been seeing the deer around as well. We haven’t had as many deer as the subdivision is being built out and the deer are avoiding the area.
You don’t have to worry, we are getting our second snow storm of the season and we will have a white Christmas after all. We are getting four to five inches and it looks to stay cold until Christmas.
As you can easily tell, nuttin is goin on round here at all. So we will hunker down and enjoy a fire tonight.
All for now.
Mark and Wink
ps – ‘Happy Holidays’