Nuttin continues to happen here in NewMahket. I have been around to document it more this month. It is fun to watch the babies grow up. The yard work is winding down and will be the subject of the next blog.
Here are a series of pictures of the mother turkey sheltering her brood. They all ducked under her.
This hen has been doing a good job of caring for her brood. Now, what could be better than a mother taking care of her babies? THREE MOTHERS!!! The three hens have banded together and formed a flock. We now see them all together. There are babies of slightly different ages.
We have also seen the does with their fawns.
The skunks have been regulars as well.
I compiled a short video to document these coming and goings for your viewing enjoyment.
The bird channels has been active as well.
There is a farmers market every Sunday at the Stone Church in Newmarket. We get local produce there.
As you can clearly see, nuttin evah happens in NewMahket.
Mark and Wink