Meg and Mark went out for their first kayak adventure in 2019. The intent was to take a leisurely paddle into the Nature Conservancy area of Lubberland Creek. We bumped into Paul Lightfoot at the dock and he decided to join us. This was intended to be a warm up before a longer paddle into town.
Here is the layout. We walked from our house at the West end of Moody Point to the community dock. We grabbed two of our kayaks and got situated. We paddled Northeast toward the Osprey nesting area. The Osprey complain if you get too close. Then we ventured into the nature preserve.
While we were observing the nest, an osprey grabbed a fish that Mark scared up.
After the excitement with the Osprey, we headed into the Lubberland Creek hoping to see more waterfowl. We saw a few ducks but as it was close to mid day, we didn’t see as much wild life as we were hoping for.
In stead of a leisurely warm up paddle, it turned into a three hour adventure. It would have actually been easier to paddle into Newmarket and back. So we are warmed up and ready for our next adventure.
Thank you Paul for sharing your photos.
Just goes to show that nuttin evah happens in NewMahket….
Mark and Meg