We had a couple days to enjoy our snow cover before the second January storm arrived. The second storm was in the form of two inches of rain. The snow mostly disappeared.
You can tell all is quiet in NewMahket as I am taking a few bird pictures. One of the things I like about this yard is that there is a spring that seems to provide fresh water even when if is really cold out.
The turkeys are still around. They had trouble getting here when the snow was fresh but we had a real cold snap and they could walk on the crust.
Turkeys walking on snow
Then the rain came….
The water came up quite high.
Hello Rain – Goodbye Snow
I counted seventeen turkeys in the yard this morning and decided to take a picture. You can see all nineteen of the turkeys in this picture.
Next up is the polar vortex. We won’t get as cold as the Midwest but it will be down to zero for a few days.
Mark, Wink and Meg
I love the super red guy looking straight into the lense saying, “GOTCHA!!!” I’m making that my profil pic 🙂