Mid January 2019

I have not been very good about maintaining my website and continue to fall behind in my posting. I have no excuse. But we are here in NewMahket where ‘nuttin continues to happen.’ I have about a hundred and fifty pictures to parse. We are on the cusp of our first winter storm of 2019 and I thought I would do a before and after storm posting.

The deer have been around. They mostly just pass through the yard but occasionally they stop and bed down in the yard.

Deer Bedding Down in Yard

There was a bit of a scatological mystery on the driveway. The current thought is that it is deer poop but it is bigger and lighter color than we usually see in the spring and summer. I suspect the change is due to dietary changes due to winter. This year has been hard on the fauna because of lack of food due to the local climate this year. I haven’t seen deer poop like this in our yard in the six plus years we have been here.

Scatology 101

There is some cover around are bird feeders but with the foliage gone, the hawks have a clear view of the goings on and are frequent visitors to our yard.


The turkeys have been regular visitors this winter. They come almost every day. Out peak count was about twenty-two.


The turkeys come for the food and the water. In spite of the freezing temperatures, the spring in the yard continues to be open most of the year and the animals frequent it to drink.


Wink tossed an old squash into the yard. Within a day it was entirely gone.



The video also includes some turkey dancing. The male turkeys determine dominance in the fall/winter instead of during mating season.

The eagles hang around until the bay freezes over and then they tend to move on.


Verdi is enjoying the new aviarium. This means he can get out of his cage a lot easier in the winter as the space is heated, unlike the three season porch where he has to wait for a warm day.

Aviarium/ReadingRoom/Family Room


The garage has been arranged as an art studio.


We have ordered a love seat so we can have family movie nights. I have been enjoying the family room already. Plan to watch the Patriots win on Sunday on the big screen.


The storm is heading our way and we expect 8-14 inches of snow followed by freezing rain and high winds. We plan to document it for your reading pleasure.

Mark, Wink, Andrew and Meg