Mid November NEHiN

We are settling into the house and chaos reigns supreme. The work on the addition is slowly wrapping up. Hardly a day goes by without some minor crisis. An example was that the remnant we choose for the bathroom sink was too small and a substitute had to found asap.

The weather has also been unusual in that it is colder than normal and wetter than normal. We just had a named winter storm and it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet. For the most part we are just going with the flow. I will be doing a construction update before the holiday. For right now, I hope to convince you that ‘Nuttin Evah Happens in NewMahket.’

Sugar Pumpkins

Gull and Heron

Turkeys Chillin’

Deer Grooming

Turkey Invasion

Something spooked the hens and they took off for the trees.



First Nor’easter of the Season

This is good for a laugh. Our shovels were in the pod in storage until the garage is finished. We tried to get them out the night before but the pod was frozen shut and the tools we would need to open were also in the pod. The next morning the workmen freed up the pod door for us and we got our exercise for the day by shoveling.

Turkeys in the snow


Bluebirds of Happiness

We have been putting meal worms in the bird seed because we have bluebirds hanging about the bird feeders. 

After the workmen complete the addition, the work will begin for us to return the house to some sort of new normal. We are sort of looking forward to working at our own pace.

Mark and Wink