nutHah Nor’Easter

Hurricane Willa transformed into a Nor’Easter for us. It is a wild and woolly day out there and we got more than an inch of rain. Fortunately it is blowing through rather quickly. We did get quite a bit of rain and a very high tide.

High Tide

We did get the pasture mowed the day before the storm. Here are the deer in the pasture during the storm.

Soggy Deer

The ducks are riding the storm out on the bay.


The birds have been active on the bird feeders in spite of the rain.

Soggy Birds

On the construction front, we now have wood floors.

Wood Floors – Looking Good!!!

Can you imagine a home theater here?

So all in all, a pretty quiet day….

Mark and Wink


1 thought on “nutHah Nor’Easter”

  1. Outstanding albums. I’m particularly touched by how serene the deer seem about the storm. So beautiful.

    And wow! That addition above the garage is really coming along!!!

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