Nuttin continues to happen in NewMahket at an accelerating rate. Unfortunately I have not been diligent in updating the blog. So here it is:
The addition over the garage is framed and the siding and windows are installed. So now we are water proof for a change. The plumbing, heating and electrical are now roughed in and awaiting the building inspector. It is coming along quite well.
House Updates
Unfortunately, one of the older windows rotted out.
So we had reconstruction concurrent with new construction.
Replacement Window
 Mite be deerz:
Mite be turkeyz:
Birds of Prey:
Birdz of Prey
The yard has developed an infestation of purple loosestrife. I am trying to get rid of it before it gets too settled.
Mark feeding the ticks
Other than that, NCthiN.
Mark, Wink and Meg
Why get rid of purple loosestrife? Too mono culture?
It is invasive and nothing here eats it.